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The Lyceum Movement: What's the Purpose of Sports?

  • Gravitate Coworking (downtown) 500 Locust Street Des Moines, IA, 50309 United States (map)

The place of sports in our culture has been undergoing a change. Professional sports are watched, now, not just in the interest of rooting for the team, but for the sake of gambling. College athletes are no almost professionals. Youth athletes often have to engage in a pay-to-play system in order to get on to the good travel teams.

Does all of this work toward to the true purpose of sports? What role are these games supposed to play in a healthy human community? Are they just entertainment, or do they have something to do with forming good citizens and good people? Do they make us more human?

Join East High School football coach Josh DeWaard and other speakers, April 19.

Purchase tickets here!

March 25

Dealt Hand : Game Design Meetup