COVID-19 Update 03/15/2020

Hey there,

Like many of you, our team has been following the news all weekend with regards to COVID-19. As you may have heard, Governor Reynolds has announced on Saturday night that the virus has moved into the “community spread” phase here in the Des Moines-area.

Gravitate Coworking prides itself on how we’re able to bring people together but that is at cross-purposes with slowing the spread of the virus by #FlatteningTheCurve.

Due to that, we’re announcing some additional policy updates for both Gravitate locations:

  1. Doors will be locked this week and we will be (mostly) unstaffed during the day. Our team will come in during the morning and come back in during the afternoon or evening to ensure the space is stocked and clean.

  2. Members can still access our spaces using the Proximity mobile app. If you choose to access the space, please sit at no more than one person per table to help keep the potential for spreading germs at a minimum. If you can work from home for a week or two, please consider that.

  3. We will have sanitizing clean kits available at both offices. Please use these as necessary. We recommend wiping down your work stations and devices.

  4. Remember to wash your hands, not touch your face, wash your hands again, etc, whether at the office or at home!

  5. Gravitate is closed to visitors, tours, and drop-ins and not taking new members at this time.

  6. We understand it is spring break and schools are not in session. Please do not bring your children, college-age and younger, even if they appear to be healthy, into the coworking space.

  7. Our team will still be available remotely during the workday, so reach out directly on Slack or via email if you need anything.

Mayor Cownie declared a “state of emergency” for the City of Des Moines this afternoon and the medical community is pretty clear that we need to move as fast as possible to limit interactions between people, so that is why we’re implementing these policies.

This morning, Dr. Fauci of the NIH said something to the effect of “If you think you’re doing too much, you’re probably doing just enough … maybe”. Removing our team from the office and (mostly) closing our doors may seem like we’re going overboard and we sincerely hope that once we’re past this we can look back and see that it was.

Thanks all,

Geoff, Abby, Kyle, Jake and the rest of the team.

We are doing our best to keep our community updated and informed during this time. Please review our other announcements below:


Tips and tricks for working from home


Gravitate member update and preparing for COVID-19