New project: Welch Avenue Daily

I’m excited to share the launch of a new blog today (this one!), the Welch Avenue Daily. It’s a natural continuation of the of the activities and work of myself and others the past eight months with the Welch Avenue Weekly, Welch Avenue Show and Iowa Expats.

The goal is to write (almost) daily about the startup community in one form or another. The blog will share news and information about people, startups, investors and events in the Iowa community with the perspective of someone that’s part of the community and wants to see it develop and grow.

It won’t just be my voice here, either. I hope to include guests posts from other community members as often as possible. Look for the first of those later this week. If you have something you’d like to contribute, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for reading (and sharing).

Photo Credit: PicJumbo


Iowa Fund Raising Roundup - 2/17


Chegg founder Phumbhra invests in Apartment List