Episode 68 - Levi Rosol of We Write Code
Geoff talks with Levi about their shared startup community experience (going all the way back to the first Startup Weekend Des Moines in 2009), what you learn form shutting down a startup and how he's building his next company We Write Code.
Episode 67 - Nathan T. Wright of Hy-Vee
Geoff talks with Nathan about the role of social & digital marketing at a large grocery campaign, the rise of #hychi and why it takes to get "truck status"
Iowa Innovation Jobs
Iowa Startup Accelerator is looking for a Director of Development. The Des Moines Botanical Garden is hiring a Head of Marketing. Geonetric is hiring a Digital Media Coordinator. Go get hired!
Iowa Innovators Seeking Jobs
A Growth Hacker / jack of all trades and a Social Media Strategist looking to be join our community.