You're doing it wrong—what branding is and how t0 do it right
Branding isn't a logo. It isn't colors. It isn't marketing or advertising. It isn't a business card.
Gravitate to host U.Lab hub to transform business, society, and self
Geoff's note: The post below is from Lucas Freed, a local UX and creative professional who had the idea to bring the U.Lab Hub to Gravitate and will be facilitating locally.
If you’re interested in transforming your business, your society, or yourself—read on. There is a six week #MOOC (massive online open course) that begins on September 10th called U.Lab. It is called ‘massive’ because already there are over 10,000 people enrolled across the world! U.Lab is offered via the edX platform and is offered by MIT in partnership with the Presencing Institute. Oh yeah, and the best part is there is NO COST
Innovation in Ed: What is real academic rigor?
At Iowa BIG, we've pushed the envelope of re-inventing education so far and so fast that we're seeing some pushback. This is actually a good sign, as we as a State need to have a serious discussion about the need to change education more rapidly than what we're seeing. One area where we find pushback from peers in the United States is in regards to the concept of academic "rigor."
An entrepreneurial center of gravity for Ames
We're working on expanding Gravitate to Ames!
How to survive in a startup: decide when you will leave the company on your first day
Come on. We all know that we aren't going to stay in our jobs at a startup forever. Don't be that person that's all, "Oh, I love this company and I'll never leave." Because you will. So quit being a suck up.
Wednesday is 'Startup Day' in downtown Des Moines
Get inspired at 1 Million Cups, get feedback at "Ask an Expert" Open Office Hours then wrap up at a potluck, Wednesday at Noon educational session or Startup Stories.