Community Manager Positions Open at Gravitate (Ames, Des Moines)
We’re hiring two part time Community Managers—one to help us expand in the Des Moines metro area and one to do the same in Ames.
The ideal Gravitate Community Manager is equal parts connector, community builder and caretaker. They look forward to meeting new people and helping them find their place in the community. They’re also self-directed and willing to take on a variety of tasks as part of a small team.
Iowa Startup Power Rankings—December
For all of you who scoffed at my ability to publish the Iowa Startup Power Rankings at the beginning of the month, I present you with the following: the December post on the last day of November. Boom.
Fostering a Global Community in downtown Des Moines: Meet Gravitate’s International Members
As the holiday season approaches, it’s important to take time to reflect and remember all the reasons we have to give thanks. At Gravitate, we’re thankful to be part of Des Moines’ strong, vibrant entrepreneurial community. We’re thankful for innovative ideas, supportive community partners, and a diverse collection of passionate members. So as Americans prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we’d like to introduce you to some Gravitate members who originally hail from outside of the United States.
Geoff's Blog: "It’s pretty much the same everywhere"
Paul Singh shared something on his blog this week with regards to comparing many of the 38 startup communities (including Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Ames) that he had visited throughout the last year: "In short, it’s pretty much the same everywhere."
It isn’t uncommon to still be searching for your passion in life several decades in. Many of us are still asking ourselves what we want to be when we grow up far into our 30's, 40's and beyond. Some of us, though, find that spark so quickly it is electrifying and it drives us further than anything we ever dreamed.
Brad Dwyer first started programming at an age when many of us hardly knew how to use a computer, and has continued to push boundaries and challenge himself since then. I had the opportunity to chat with Brad about his Des Moines based startup Hatchlings, his background, and why he has decided to call Gravitate home.
Geoff's Blog: Back from Montreal
After two weeks of travel, it feels good to be back on the ground and relatively stable here in Iowa for a few weeks. Unfortunately, all of the emails and tasks that I snoozed while I was traveling came flooding back on Monday morning and two days later I'm still catching up on everything.