post event cleaning checklist
Ensure all electronic equipment is shut off
Stairitorium Area
sound system
Meeting Rooms
Remove all outside items from event space / room
food / drinks
office supplies
Wipe all tables and counters in areas used
Sweep/Vacuum/Mop (if necessary, cleaning tools are located in the closet in the restroom hallway)
If Gravitate dishes were used, load & start the dishwasher (cleaner is located under the sink)
Remove trash bags from trash can and tie shut (bags can be left by cans; we’ll hall them!)
Ensure all doors are closed and locked behind you
I understand that charges my be incurred if I do not leave the space in the order in which I found it, if anything becomes damaged during or because of my event or by participants at my event, and/or if my event consumes Gravitate’s beverages. I agree to not prop open entrances before, during or after my event rental.
Cleaning fee is $75/hour