Why is STEM important? (a layman's view)
A few weeks ago I was invited to speak at the Indianola STEM Symposium and Appreciate Night about why STEM is important (particularly to the audience of mostly high school kids). Hmm — why is STEM important? Why is it important to high school kids? I *accept* that STEM is important — we hear that all the time — but its hard to delineate exactly why its STEM is important.
Episode 69 - Max Farrell of Create Reason
Max talks with Geoff about what its like to bring the startup mentality to established businesses, they compare the Iowa and Arkansas startup communities and then just a bit about Grinnell College Pioneer basketball program.
Top 10 Events at EntreFEST 2015 for Welch Avenue readers
Today’s the Day!
If you haven’t yet, register for EntreFEST today to save $100 on your Full-Access Pass. Use the code WelchAve to save $50 off the already-discounted price. This exclusive (and ridiculously great!) offer goes away at midnight tomorrow (April 30).
Iowa Innovation Jobs
The Iowa Startup Accelerator is hiring a Director of Development. Sculpt is looking for a Social Media Community Manager. Pillar technology is hiring Journeymen Software Developers. Don't miss the marketing and development positions open at Geonetric! Go get hired.