Why the "brain drain" is awesome for Iowa
I gave my first Ignite!-style pitch at EntreFEST in Iowa City on May 20. I scripted most of the words I spoke, so it made sense to re-use them as a post as well. Images are the slides I used, as appropriate. — Geoff
Episode 72 — David Spalding of the Iowa State University College of Business
David, a recent transplant to Iowa, talks with Geoff about his impressions of the state, the vision for entrepreneurial programs at ISU and collaborations between our schools.
Episode 71 — Brian Waller of the Technology Association of Iowa
Brian talks with Geoff about his organization and whats ahead for technology in our state. We talk Prometheus Awards, the Tech Town Hall road show and more.
Episode 70 — Matt Patane of the Des Moines Register
Matt talks with Geoff about covering the technology scene for Iowa's largest media outlet.
Iowa Innovation Jobs
The Iowa Startup Accelerator is looking for a Director of Development. Geonetric is looking for a Digital Marketing Coordinator. Go get hired.